Subject: Stall Allotment for “IGJME Tritiya Bengaluru 2024” (India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo), show scheduled from 5th- 8th April 2024 at BIEC, Bengaluru
Dear Participants, |
Greetings and Welcome to IGJME Tritiya Bengaluru 2024! |
We are delighted to share that “IGJME Tritiya Bengaluru 2024” (India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo) has received an overwhelming response. The show is scheduled to take place from 5th to 8th April in Bengaluru at Bengaluru International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) India concurrent with IIJS Tritiya 2024. Following the space application circular dated January 1st, 2024, we have received applications from over 70+ companies, with 100+ stalls for IGJME Tritiya Bengaluru 2024.
We are now progressing with the booth allotment process, scheduled on 28th Feb 2024. The centralized booth allotment for all applicants (pan India) will be conducted at GJEPC Mumbai Head Office, D Tower, Bharat Diamond Bourse, BKC, Mumbai 400051. However, for any member unable to attend the booth allotment in Mumbai due to personal reasons, please contact the respective Regional Office of the Council.
The chronological order for allotment will be as follows:
Order of Allotment for Machinery and Allied Participants: Allotment will be conducted through a lottery system for IGJME Tritiya Bengaluru 2024, prioritizing higher to lower booth numbers.
- 1st Preference: International Participants
- 2nd Preference: Members
- 3rd Preference: Non Members
Exhibitors, please take note:
Sister Concern/Group Companies: Group or sister concern companies will not be allotted booths together with national or international applicants. Such companies must undergo the allotment process individually.
To view the live booth allotment on 28th Feb 2024, visit https://www.gjepc.org/igjme/
It may be noted that applicants having any past payment outstanding / dues with GJEPC on the date of allotment will automatically be disqualified from the allotment process without any further notice.
For participation at IGJME TRITIYA BENGALURU 2024, GJEPC Membership is not mandatory, However for GJEPC Members the allotment of the booths will be based on their GJEPC Membership status as on 29th April 2023 and as per valid online application with subsequent advance payments submitted to the Council.
Important Instructions for Exhibitors Regarding Booth Allotment: To ensure a smooth and efficient booth allotment process, we kindly request your attention to the following guidelines. Your cooperation in adhering to the set timelines is crucial for the successful completion of the allotment as scheduled. We appreciate your understanding and support in making this procedure seamless.
Entry and Documentation for Decision Makers:
Only the designated decision-maker, authorized to select the booth, will be permitted for allotment.
Please carry a copy of the booth allotment schedule, your company ID card, and any government-issued photo ID for smooth entry into the BDB complex Mumbai. Entry through Gate no. 4 / Gate no. 8 is recommended. Parking is unavailable at BDB, however Pay & Park facilities are accessible behind Capital building, Jio Garden, and near Hotel Trident (8-10 minutes from BDB, subject to availability). We recommend arriving before the allotment time to avoid last-minute inconvenience.
Restrictions on Internal Discussions during Booth Selection:
Only the designated decision-maker, authorized to select the booth, will be permitted for allotment.
Time Allotment for Booth Selection:
A strict time limit of 2 minutes will be allocated for booth selection. Failure to select a booth within the stipulated time will result in auto-allotment by the GJEPC secretariat.
Premium Charges:
Premium charges, as per the selected booth and indicated in the floor plan (e.g., corner charges), will be applicable.
Your adherence to these instructions is highly appreciated, and we look forward to your cooperation to ensure a successful and efficient booth allotment process.
Important Notice:
In the event that your company name is not reflected in the allotment schedule or on the floorplan, despite the submission of your Online Space Application Form, or for any other queries, we kindly urge you to reach out to the GJEPC Office promptly. Please ensure that you contact us on or before 23rd Feb 2024 before 6:00 PM at www.gjepc.org/helpdesk. Any concerns or discrepancies brought to our attention after this deadline will not be entertained.
Note: If a participant is absent or arrives late during their allotted time, and their company name is drawn during the lottery, GJEPC reserves the right to randomly allot the booth without any preference. No changes or further requests in this regard will be entertained. For any additional information or inquiries regarding IGJME Tritiya Bengaluru 2024, we encourage you to reach out to us at our dedicated helpline: 1800-103-4353. Alternatively, you can submit your queries through our online platform at www.gjepc.org/helpdesk
To streamline communication and provide efficient support, please refrain from direct communication with Council staff. All queries and concerns will be addressed promptly through the designated channels mentioned above. We eagerly anticipate your wholehearted participation at IIJS, looking forward to providing you with "happening business" exclusively at IIJS shows as esteemed Council members in the future.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely
Booth Allotment Schedule with Timings
Floorplan (BIEC)
The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council D2B, Ground floor, “D” Tower, West Core, Bharat Diamond Bourse, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra- East, Mumbai 400 051 Tel : + 91-22-42263600| Toll Free Number : 1800-103-4353 | Missed Call Number : +91-7208048100 Website: https://gjepc.org/