Jun 14, 2018

ALROSA Allocates RUB 5.3 Bn in 2018 for Environment Programmes; Up from RUB4.4 Bn in 2017

Even as Russia dedicated 2017 as Evironment Year, ALROSA did its bit through numerous programmes dedicated to environmental protection and conservation, implemented in different parts of the country.

The Company had allocated a total of RUB 4.4 billion for environmental programmes last year.

Two of the most significant programmes successfully implemented by the Company were: restoration of sewage treatment facilities with a capacity of 15 thousand cubic meters per day in Udachny town; and the construction of the centre for pumping quarry and drainage waters from Internatsional underground mine to the western fissure.

The former is seen as being of “strategic importance” for the fishery region where local rivers require special protection. “Restoration of sewage treatment facilities in Udachny allowed additional cleaning of sewage waters from organic pollution to comply with the threshold level values of fisheries water reservoirs,” ALROSA explained.

The second project was undertaken in order to exclude penetration of mineralised water to the surrounding landscape and surface water. For this purpose, “a return pumping complex and a pressure wells network” were constructed. “Underground waters from Metegero-Ichersky underground reservoir come back without harming the environment,” the Company reported.

In the Environment Year, ALROSA also made efforts to combat poaching, for which the Company   installed access barriersand also organised round-the-clock watch on roads. The    Company’s employees participated in raids for resisting illegal hunting or fishing, in order to preserve the region’s biodiversity.

“The adopted decision on creation of ALROSA’s Single Environmental Centre, which unites and centralises the environment protection functions earlier vested in separate enterprises and divisions, constitutes a notable result of the year,” the Company declared. “The Environmental Centre has assumed many functions: the expansion of the boundaries of industrial environmental control and the risk-oriented approach, the introduction of a geo-information monitoring system and the creation of an analytical database for the Company, the unification of rules and the development of unified approaches to solving problems in the field of environmental protection. The new unit will develop an environmental strategy for further integration into the overall development strategy of ALROSA.”

Apart from this, the Company also significantly expanded its monitoring programme in 2017. Ecologists working for the Company collected about 1.5 thousand samples of water, air, soil and bed deposits in 2017. This helps ALROSA to determine with greater precision the degree of the industry’s impact on the environment so as to adjust its environmental policy accordingly.

“Protection of the environment is one of the most important areas of ALROSA’s work,” said Polina Anisimova, Head of ALROSA Environmental Centre. “The Company’s task in this area consists not only in minimising any impact on nature but in helping to resolve the existing problems in the region of its presence. Simultaneously, with nature protection actions, ALROSA implements a whole range of projects that will have a long-time effect. For example, it gradually transfers its machinery to gas fuel which is more environment friendly, or introduces energy saving technologies. Our aim is to preserve the nature and beauty of Yakutia for many years.”

Anisimova announced that in 2018, the Company would step up its efforts and financing for environmental activities has been earmarked at up to RUB 5.3 billion.