Mar 20, 2020

ALROSA May Take Trading Online As Travel Restrictions Imposed By Several Countries

ALROSA has said on its official Twitter account that it is “considering options for online trade as global travel restrictions due to the coronavirus outbreak complicate traditional physical inspection of gemstones”.

Though it has not issued any general press release to the effect, the Company did attach a Reuters report – based on a statement from ALROSA – onthe subject, on Twitter.

Reuters quoted the statement as saying: “We are in constant contact with our clients from different countries, considering the possibility of providing them with measures of support over the next months, exploring the possibility of remote trade, which does not involve the traditional visit of an expert to study the stones.”

The Company also revealed that it had earlier carried out a test of its “system of digital tenders at its October trade sessions”. The results of the test indicated that “clients were interested in such a format”, the company said at the time.

Long term clients of most major minerstravel to different destinationsfor viewing and purchase of rough diamonds. But, as more and more countries come under the onslaught of the coronavirus and impose travel restrictions, this has become increasingly difficult. While some companies have announced postponement of their immediate sales, larger companies like De Beers, and now ALROSA have expressed their intention of exploringoptions which will obviate viewing and/or travel.