Jun 10, 2019

ALROSA Rates High Amongst Investors in Extel Survey 2019

ALROSA has emerged as one of the highest scoring companies globally, in the international Extel Survey of analysts and investors held in 2019, the Company announced.

“The rating hinges on the feedback from several thousands of investment professionals, including sell-side analysts and portfolio managers and buy-side analysts,” the Company explained. “The participants were rated against the following criteria: management willingness to communicate with investors, the adequacy and timeliness of financial disclosures, fast and complete response to queries, a well-informed IR team authorised to speak on behalf of the company, constructive dialogue during conference calls, quality of corporate website content, commitment to corporate governance standards, and more.”

In the latest survey of 67 metals and mining companies, ALROSA moved to the No. 6 position from  No. 13,  at which it was slotted earlier, thus greatly improving its ranking; and it emerged at No. 9 among rated Russian companies as compared to the previously held No. 20 position. 

“The Company’ senior executives also received high scores in the survey, with Sergey Ivanov named as the second best CEO in the metals and mining industry (best among Russian CEOs) and his deputy Alexey Philippovskiy ranking among the Top 5 industry CFOs, according to investment community,” the Company stated.