Nov 18, 2019

ALROSA's New York Rough Diamond Auction of Specials Garners US$11 Mn

ALROSA’s auction of special size (over 10.8 carats) rough diamonds held recently in New York earned for the Company a total of US$ 11 million, the Company announced. This revenue was raised on the sale of 93 rough diamonds with a total weight of 1,560 carats.

“This is the best result of the last few months,” ALROSA stated.

A total of 95 companies from the US, Belgium, India, Israel, UAE, Russia and Hong Kong participated in the auction.

“This year’s last auction in the US performed well,” commented Evgeny Agureev, Deputy CEO of ALROSA. “We prepared a selection of rough diamonds with high quality and colour characteristics, as well as several fancy colour stones. The auction traditionally attracted the participants from different countries, including more than 20 companies from the United States.”

Companies were able to preview the rough diamonds at the Company’s trade representative office ALROSA USA Inc. prior to the auction.

ALROSA has held four auctions in the US through 2019; and the total revenue from these four auctions has crossed US$38 million.