Jul 23, 2019

ALROSA Subsidiary Severalmaz Reports 21% Increase in Diamond Output to 1.9 Mn Carats in H1 2019

PJSC Severalmaz (the Lomonosov Mining and Processing Division), a subsidiary of ALROSA, has reported production of 1.9 million carats of rough diamonds in the first six months of 2019 (H1 2019), almost 340,000 carats, or 21%, above the corresponding figure last year. This takes the share of the subsidiary in the overall output of ALROSA to 10.9%, a full percentage point higher than in H1 2018.

In a statement, ALROSA said that between January and June 2019, the Lomonosov Mining and Processing Division mined 1.8 million tons of ore and processed almost 1.7 million tons.

During the period, the division extracted more than 700 special size rough diamonds (over 10.8 carats) with the largest of them being two gem-quality diamonds weighing 69 and 43 carats. The cost of individual stones of this weight reaches $200,000-300,000 per crystal, ALROSA stated.

“In the first half of the year, we delivered good results in diamond mining due to the involvement of deeper horizons with higher diamond grades at both kimberlite pipes. The average diamond grade has increased by more than 25% to 1.13 carats per ton of ore compared to the first half of last year," commented Andrey Pismenny, CEO of Severalmaz.

The increased production also led to a higher contribution by the company to the Arkhangelsk region budget. It transferred 862 million rubles in H1 2019, 72 million rubles higher that in the same period of 2018. In particular, 17.4 million rubles was allocated to the treasury of the Primorsky district and its settlements.

PJSC Severalmaz currently operates two kimberlite pipes – the Arkhangelskaya pipe and the Karpinsky-1 pipe – in the Arkhangelsk region.

Pic courtesy: ALROSA