Dec 15, 2017

ALROSA to Centralise Efforts of All Ecologists Working in its Different Sub-Divisions

PJSC  ALROSA   plans to  centralise the   work of all ecologists working in different  subdivisions of the Company by creating a new Environmental Center. The newly created centre will be responsible  for developing  the Company’s environmental strategy. Apart from this, the new centre is expected to handle  a wide range of functions including the  expansion of the boundaries of industrial environmental control and the risk-oriented approach; introduction of a geo-information monitoring system and creation of an analytical database for the Company; unification of rules and development of unified approaches to solving problems in the field of environmental protection. 

Currently, though ecology is considered as  strategically important by ALROSA, work in this area is dispersed  and activity on   environmental issues is supervised by different specialists in the various  subdivisions of the Company.  

“The ALROSA Environmental Center will start work in February 2018,” the Company announced today. “The employees responsible for the environment and environmental protection will be transferred to the new unit from all structural subdivisions.”

“Independent experts today confirm ALROSA’s high level of environmental responsibility and information openness,” said Polina Anisimova, ALROSA Deputy Chief Engineer for Ecology, Environmental Protection and Work with Indigenous Minorities. “We are proud of the high assessment and will continue to improve the work on environmental protection. ALROSA sets ambitious missions in this area – reducing water consumption, moving to alternative sources of energy supply, reducing the mass of СО2 emissions, forming re-cultivation funds, standardising processes. The creation of the Environmental Center will allow us to achieve higher target and planned environmental indicators at a new qualitative level, as well as move from “passive response” to “active anticipation”, creating a personalised focus on the result.”