Dec 14, 2018

Angolan Government Approves New Regulations for Rough Diamond Trading With a View to Ending Monopoly

At a Council of Ministers meeting held a few days back, the Angolan government approved the “Technical Regulations for the Sale of Rough Diamonds” says a MacauHub report. 

The report, based on and quoting a statement issued after the meeting, said the regulation, defined as a “legal instrument”, establishes ways of buying and selling diamonds, with the aim of achieving the “strategic objectives of the mining  sector and the sales policy defined by the government, with a view to increasing prospecting and exploration, stimulating foreign investment, setting up of cutting and polishing facilities and obtaining greater revenues for the State”.

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Oil of Angola, Diamantino de Azevedo, has been quoted as saying at the end of the meeting about the regulation that it is “based first on the elimination of the monopoly on the sale of rough diamonds that existed in the country”.