Jul 19, 2019

BlueRock Diamonds Sells 12.2 carat diamond for US$ 105,000; Realising a Price of US$ 8,584 Per Ct

BlueRock Diamonds plc, which owns and operates the Kareevlei Diamond Mine in the Kimberley region of South Africa, has announced that it has sold a 12.2 carat diamond for US$ 105,000, thus realising a price of US$ 8,584 per carat, in the July tender.

This is the second most valuable diamond the Company has recovered to date, following the sale of a 24.98 carat diamond in the June tender for US$ 196,000, the Company noted.

Mike Houston, Executive Chairman commented: “We are delighted to have received in excess of US$100,000 for this diamond and continue to be encouraged by the ongoing recovery of high-quality stones. We have made excellent progress in improving our operational practices at Kareevlei which has resulted in increased volumes and the more regular recovery of higher value stones.”