Jun 20, 2019

De Beers Group Launches Diamond Education Course Partnership with IIG in India

De Beers Group Institute of Diamonds has entered into a partnership with the International Institute of Gemology in India (IIG) to deliver diamond education courses throughout the country. The initial focus of the partnership will be to make available the De Beers Group online Diamond Foundation Course (DFC) primarily to retail staff and others within the value chain who wish to extend their knowledge about diamonds, De Beers said.

The course covers the entire diamond pipeline from diamond formation to jewellery sales and also includes an introduction to synthetic diamonds where students will learn how to explain to consumers the differences between natural diamonds and laboratory grown diamonds.

Jodine Perrin, Director of Education, De Beers Group Institute of Diamonds, said: “As the major player in the global diamond cutting and polishing industry, India is an area of increased focus for us. We recognise the need for new partnerships that bring education directly to students across large geographical areas, making education accessible and reducing the time and costs involved to businesses in staff training.”

The IIG, which has been active for over 50 years and in the field of diamond and jewellery education in India, will be encouraging participation with special promotional discounts available to the current student cohort. Future collaborative activities regarding laboratory classes will be announced over the coming weeks.

Rahul Desai from the IIG says of the partnership: “The collaboration between us and De Beers Group Institute of Diamonds will not only benefit students but will also empower entrepreneurs to enhance their skills in this unique industry.”

Jodine Perrin elaborated by saying: “Our goal is to make diamond education as engaging and accessible as it can possibly be. Our courses are designed by experts from across the whole of De Beers Group, so students can be confident that they are learning from some of the world’s leading professionals.

“All of our courses are aimed at increasing consumer confidence across the diamond industry and supporting sales for the partners who work with us. We are delighted to build the partnership with IIG and use it as an opportunity to develop this relationship as we expand the courses we are able to offer in India.”