May 13, 2019

DMCC’s Sustainability Report 2018 Highlights its Work Towards Environmental & Societal Responsibility Goals

Dubai’s DMCC recently published its second annual sustainability report, which the organisation said was “part of its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)”, adding that the report was prepared in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Core option.

The first edition was released by DMCC in September 2018, and the current report builds upon the earlier work. It highlights DMCC’s socio-economic and environmental performance against its sustainability framework in the period between January 1 to December 31, 2018.

“DMCC’s sustainability strategy is structured across four core pillars of sustainability – ‘People’, ‘Marketplace’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Community’ – and it continuously strives to adopt programmes in line with the objectives earmarked under each pillar,” DMCC explained while releasing the 2019 report.

“DMCC remains committed to its declared approach – alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a signatory to the Global Compact, and contributor towards the goals outlined in the UAE Vision 2021 and Dubai Plan 2021,” commented Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DMCC. “DMCC has taken an integrated approach to sustainability and social responsibility. Communicating progress to our stakeholders is critical, and it is what makes us the business community’s trusted partner.”

The DMCC has also appointed a new corporate-level Sustainable Development Goals Steering Committee (SDG SC) in 2018 to oversee and monitor progress towards commitments, and development of the corporate-wide sustainability strategy. This, it felt, would help to underpin its sustainability vision and bolster sustainability governance. The committee includes a number of Executive Committee members and other senior management representatives.

“In August 2017, DMCC became the first free zone in the GCC to commit to the UNGC, encouraging responsible business practice throughout the entire value chain,” DMCC emphasised.

The DMCC Sustainability Report 2018 is available at:

Pic Cap: Ahmed Bin Sulayem (left), Executive Chairman and CEO displaying DMCC’s Sustainability Report 2018