Apr 02, 2020

Dmitry Amelkin Appointed Transformation Director of ALROSA’s Polishing Division

ALROSA has announced the appointment of Dmitry Amelkin as Transformation Director of its united Polishing Division. Amelkin’s writ will also extend to supervising ALROSA Strategic Projects and Analytics Center and Innovations Center.

“ALROSA Supervisory Board approved Transformation Strategy of the company’s Polishing Division in December 2019,” the Company explained providing a background. “Its aim is optimizing the production cycle, increasing efficiency in the product mix and minimizing administrative costs by creating the consolidated trading office.”

Amelkin graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in Banking and Finance in 2004. He joined PriceWaterhouseCoopers after graduation and then went on to head the Strategic Development Department at the Ingosstrakh insurance company, and later at SOGAZ.

Prior to joining ALROSA, he was responsible for project management in agencies of Sberbank. He became a head of ALROSA Strategic Projects and Analytics Center (SPAC) in 2017.

“Dmitry is a manager successfully handling difficult challenges,” ALROSA CEO Sergey Ivanov commented. “Introduction of polishing operations to his area of responsibility aimed to accelerate the integration of Kristall factory into the Group and give a new stimulus to the overall division’s efficiency and financials. Heads of individual units will focus on their area of expertise.”

ALROSA Polishing Division consists of Diamonds of ALROSA branch in Moscow, a facility in Barnaul of the same name, and a Kristall diamond factory. Its strategy for 2020-2022 implies the centralisation of rough diamonds allocation and polished diamonds trade to increase the economic efficiency of operations.