Jan 08, 2020

Dominion Makes a Bid to Take Ekati Exploration in New Direction

Dominion Diamond Mines has put in an application to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB) of Canada, for amending “a permit and licence it got two and a half years ago for exploration work on its Glowworm Lake block of claims”, CBC reported.

If successful, Dominion will be able to expand its exploration around Glowworm Lake, on a 1,400 square-kilometre property located to the north and east of its Ekati Mine, which itself is situated about 310 km northeast of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories of Canada.

Dominion’s application covers a number of requests: permission for large diameter drilling and/or trenching around the claim to achieve up to 1,200 tonnes annually of bulk sample material; permission to use and store explosives under 500 kg for trenching purposes; permission for winter road construction; permission to set up a base camp and additional exploration camps. The application reportedly has added four claims to the area. The period to be covered for this is five years, extendable by another two years.

Ekati’s mine life span was expected to be up to 2034; however after the suspension of Dominion’s expansion plans for its Jay pipe, there has been some concern on this. The Company is believed to be considering the development of an open pit the Point Lake area as well. And, should the Company decide to go underground at the Fox mine as it has been considering doing, its life could be extended to 2042, reports suggest.

Meanwhile reports also stated that De Beers (owner of the Gahcho Kué Mine located in the same vicinity) has also notified the MVLWB of its intention to commence an exploration programme – slated to begin in late February this year –   with the hope of extending Gahcho Kué’s mine life.