Sep 02, 2016

Edi Faltz is New Executive Vice President of World Jewelry & Diamond Hub, Panama

The World Jewelry & Diamond Hub, Panama has announced the appointment of Edi Faltz as Executive Vice President to replace Joseph Kuzi, who is stepping down after two years in office.

Faltz is a veteran diamantaire and owner and CEO of both DBO (Diamond Buying Office) and the Faltz Diamond & Jewelry Group in Ramat Gan, Israel. He already serves as Chairman of the Membership and Banking Committees WJH.

Earlier, Faltz served as an external advisor to the Israeli branches of Credit Suisse Bank and UBS Bank and was also involved in the creation of new technologies for the diamond and jewelry industries, heading the development of a 360-degree photographic system, resulting in high-definition images and videos of diamonds and jewelry, which can be seen from all angles. He also founded a pension fund platform specifically for the diamond industry.

Mahesh Khemlani, President, WJH, said, "We are indeed fortunate to have a person with Edi's wealth of knowledge and experience join our senior management team."

Khemlani also said that outgoing Executive Vice President Kuzi had made an immense contribution, “helping put together the basic elements of a diamond exchange and a trading center in a region where none had before existed.”