Jun 06, 2018

Everledger Introduces Inscription of Data Matrix Code on Diamonds and Mobile Inscription Viewer

Visitors to the JCK Las Vegas 2018, which ended on June 4 2018, had a chance to view a new feature where the Data Matrix Code as part of the Diamond Time-Lapse Protocol was inscribed directly on a diamond, with full anchoring onto the Everledger blockchain platform.

This new innovation was showcased successfully by Everledger and Dharmanandan Diamonds Pvt. Ltd. (Dharmanandan Diamonds) at the show, the former said in a press note yesterday.

Launched in February this year, the Diamond Time-Lapse Protocol tracks the provenance of diamonds using blockchain technology.

The Data Matrix code is inscribed on the girdle of a diamond, “providing a mechanism to cryptographically sequence information about the diamond”. It is a two-dimensional code consisting of black and white cells or modules encoded with data which includes information of the origin of the diamond, the manufacturer, unique serial number and object details.

“The use of Data Matrix code was selected due to its ability to encode a large amount of data in a small amount of space and has been popular in asset tracking,” the Company explained. “The Data Matrix code is underpinned by the use of rolling code to ensure that only a unique code is generated, avoiding replay hex.”

By doing this, Everledger says it has enabled “an IoT bridging of the digital twin of a diamond’s provenance on the blockchain with the physical diamond, which brings about a concurrency of identity”.

Fully implemented with Dharmanandan Diamonds, this ensures “the veracity of the diamond’s information encoded and subsequently viewed by the user”, the Company added.

Everledger also said that a Mobile Inscription Viewer is available to scan the code and is “integrated with the Diamond Time-Lapse iOS and Android applications developed by Everledger”, so that the diamond information can be viewed by the user.

Providing an update on the Diamond Time-Lapse Protocol, Everledger said: “Currently, the provenance of 7,500 diamonds from Dharmanandan Diamonds have been encrypted onto the blockchain platform. Following this, a production scale of 10,000 diamonds monthly has been anticipated with Dharmanandan Diamonds, from today, and expected to increase rapidly with retail consumption.”

Everledger is currently concentrating on “engineering robust chains with security at scale”, and efficiently capturing the increasing number of diamonds cryptographically-certified onto the Everledger blockchain platform. “Alongside this, a QR code-enabled, blockchain-compliant certificate will also be issued,” noted the Company.

Pic Cap: Mobile Inscription Viewer