Apr 08, 2019

Firestone Recovers 72 Ct Yellow Diamond and Two Other Large High Quality Diamonds at Liqhobong

Firestone Diamonds plc said that it had recovered a 72 carat yellow, makeable diamond from its Liqhobong Mine in Lesotho during the last week, as well as two other large high quality diamonds.

All three will be sold at the next tender scheduled for May 2019. Details of the tender will be announced separately, the Company said.

The other two large diamonds recovered were a 22 carat makeable white stone and an 11 carat fancy light-pink stone.

The 72 carat diamond is the second ~70 ct diamond recovered during 2019. Earlier, a 70 carat white, makeable was recovered and sold in the March auction at a record overall price for a Liqhobong diamond.

Paul Bosma, Chief Executive Officer, commented: "It was a good weekend for us, recovering the 72 carat diamond as well as the two smaller, high quality stones from within the northern, lower grade part of the pit. These recoveries will certainly assist in supporting the average value of the next sale in May."