Jul 10, 2019

Forbes Afrique Names WDC Executive Director One of Africa’s 100 Most Influential Women

Marie-Chantal Kaninda, Executive Director of the World Diamond Council (WDC) has been named as one Africa’s 100 most influential women by Forbes Afrique, the French-language version of the influential economic periodical that focuses specifically on African affairs, the WDC announced yesterday.

The publication said that the fifth edition of Africa's 100 Most Influential Women ranking leaves not even a shadow of doubt about the presence of African women at the highest levels in all sectors. Nadia Mensah-Acogny, the Forbes Afrique journalist who has been compiling the list since 2013, added, “But despite this, gender equality still leaves something to be desired and the finding is bitter. African women are still under-represented in the private sector. Like everywhere in the world, diversity remains a challenge for women in Africa. However, there is no need to despair, because beautiful energies are set up to get things done faster.”

Kaninda, who hails from the DRC and has been the WDC Executive Director since March 1, 2017, has been specially mentioned as one of the leading women involved in public service. Immediately prior to joining the WDC, she was the Chief Advisor for External Affairs, Africa, at Rio Tinto Corporation, a position she held from 2012.

The magazine also mentioned Kaninda’s work to further the interests of individuals and communities involved in Africa’s mining sector during her career. These included the establishment of the MCKM Foundation, which focuses on education for girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); serving as a vice president of the DRC’s National Committee for Women’s Soccer; chairperson of the British Congo Business Group (BCBG); and chairperson of an Anti-Corruption Working Group for the private sector in the DRC.

Before joining Rio Tinto, she served in administrative, communications and external affairs roles with other international mining companies, including Ashanti Goldfields, AngloGold Ashanti and De Beers. She has also consulted on community development projects in Africa, including successfully relocating a community in Angola, and implemented several stakeholder engagement strategic plans. She furthermore has served as a board member of the Diamond Development Initiative (DDI).

Stephane Fischler, WDC President said, “We are exceedingly proud of Marie-Chantal’s being recognized by Forbes Afrique, and privileged to have a person of her talent, experience and commitment at the head of WDC’s management team.”

He also noted that “throughout her long career, she has worked to improve the lives of Africa’s disadvantaged people, be they women, artisanal miners or individuals impacted by ongoing violence” and added, “Her belief that a country’s natural resources can fuel the development of all its people essentially embodies what we strive for in the WDC.”

Describing her selection in the list as “a great honour, and even more of a privilege to be mentioned alongside so many awe-inspiring people, who are changing Africa and showing by personal example that women deserve an equal place in politics, public affairs, business, culture, sports and the media”, Kaninda said, “I am also proud to be part of an organization like WDC, which not only advocates for an ethical diamond industry, but also shows that equal opportunity begins at home.”

Pic caption: Marie-Chantal Kaninda, ED, WDC

Pic courtesy: WDC