Sep 28, 2018

Forevermark and Diamonds International Honduras Rebuild & Expand School

Forevermark US partnered with the Company’s authorised jeweller, Diamonds International Honduras, to rebuild a school with expanded capacity in Roatán, Honduras.

Over 60 volunteers from Forevermark US together with staff of Diamonds International put their shoulders to the task for over five weeks. The ultimate result was that they were able to more than double the school’s capacity, and build it into the largest school in the area.

“Results included: greatly improving the overall space, structural quality, updated electric, proper air circulation and the opportunity for more students to enroll and receive free education,” Forevermark US announced. 

The Company reiterated that as a part of The De Beers Group of Companies, Forevermark is committed to giving back to the communities in which it operates.

“The project stemmed from a recent trip to Diamonds International Honduras taken by Forevermark US Director of Business Development, Michael Rousso,” the Company elaborated. “After hearing about Diamonds International’s plans for the school and seeing firsthand the strength and spirit of the community in Roatán, Michael felt it was imperative for Forevermark to join this effort.”     

Rousso commented: “After witnessing the commitment Diamonds International continually provides to their community, we wanted to support their efforts as if they were in our own backyard,” said Michael. “The vision and spirit of the community and volunteers coming together to build something lasting was so inspiring and we are proud to have been a part of it.”

“We have dedicated the past seven years giving back to the communities of Roatán, and this year, we wanted to put a special focus on education by rebuilding a school that was in dire need of help,” said Ruth King, General Manager of Diamonds International Honduras. “All of the children who were once turned away now have a safe and comfortable environment to start their educational journey. This project will keep on giving back to the community for years and years to come.”

Originally, over 40 children from seven grades shared two small and run-down classrooms and a shed. Now, the school is spread over 2,000 square feet in which   four new classrooms and a library have been accommodated. This has now enabled nearly 100 children to receive a free education each year, in a safe environment.

Forevermark cited the exemplary contribution of Señora Norma, School Director at Escuela Luis Bogran, who, the Company said, “is a driving force within the community and one of the inspirations for the renovation”. She donates much of her time and money to help provide not only their education, but also students’ transportation to and from school via boat.  

“I am so thankful to Diamonds International and Forevermark for rebuilding our school,” said Señora Norma. “The parents and I will be forever grateful for the support we received when we needed it most.”

Pic Cap: The newly re-built and expanded school in Honduras