Oct 09, 2019

GJEPC Employees Observe 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi with Visit to Senior Citizens Home

Employees of GJEPC Mumbai Office marked the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi with a visit to the Om Shree Sai Foundation Second Innings House – a Home for senior citizens in in Bhiwali Usagaon, Virar East on Sunday, October 6, 2019.

They distributed kits containing daily necessities such as blankets, pillows, napkins, toiletries, winter wear such as shawls, skull caps, etc. to each of the nearly 40 residents there.

During the interaction with the residents, the employees explained the background of their organisation and the reason for the visit. They learnt about the lives and daily routine of the people.

The residents were highly appreciative of the effort made by the visitors, emphasising that they look forward to, and cherish such breaks from the regular schedule as well as the time they get to spend with others from outside the Home.

For the employees, it was a valuable learning experience and they came away realising that human touch and relations are more valuable than any number of material gifts.

The Second Innings Home is a well-equipped, privately run residence for senior citizens with the ambience of a farm house. From 24-hour Care Takers and running hot water through solar power, to CCTV coverage of the Home, regular meals, and video calls / photographs shared with family members, visiting doctors and an in-house Ambulance for any medical emergencies. The centre also has a nice garden, Yoga Hall, TV/Movie Room, room for Carrom and other Board Games.

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