May 04, 2016

Hennig Tenders to Put Two Lots of Rough Diamonds on Sale

Hennig Tenders, a leading independent international diamond tender operator – and part of the I. Hennig & Co. Group – yesterday announced two forthcoming tenders of rough diamonds.

One will be of what the Company called “an exquisite selection of special rough single stones” recovered by Batla Minerals SA from their Superkolong diamond tailings plant in Kimberley, South Africa.

Included in this lot is an exceptional 112 carat natural fancy rough stone of yellow colour; and several other natural fancy rough stones of yellow colour ranging from three to fifty carats. 

Hennig Tenders announced a schedule for the viewing of these stones at various locations as follows:

USA – New York:          May 10-12, 2016
Israel – Ramat-Gan:     May 15-19, 2016
Belgium – Antwerp:     May 23-26, 2016

“Once again, we are very pleased by the exquisite rough diamonds recovered from our Superkolong operations, and we look forward to the years of recovery still ahead,” commented Batla Minerals SA’s CEO, Jean Retief. “Originally mined by DeBeers, this area is internationally known for producing exceptional yellow diamonds.”

Hennig Tenders Chief Executive Director, David Kuchler expressing his “delight” with their continuing association with Batla Minerals SA said: “The special stones on offer at the upcoming tender are truly magnificent and very much unique in terms of their gemmological characteristics.”

Hennig Tenders also announced that it will be hosting a tender of over 17,000 carats of rough diamonds sourced directly from the Ellendale diamond mine in Australia.

At this tender Hennig Tenders will offer an array of goods in a wide range of assortments and all sizes up to six carats. “The offering will also include a nice range of fancy coloured rough diamonds,” the Company added.

The Ellendale Mine Rough Diamond Tender will take place in Antwerp with viewings between May 17 and 20, 2016. Viewings are by appointment only to pre-approved buyers. 

For further inquiries and viewing appointments: