Jul 10, 2018

Humanoid Touch Adds Greater Sparkle to the 7th Edition of the Forevermark Forum

The 7th edition of the Forevermark Forum, currently being held in Delhi, from July 9 to 11, 2018, had an extra special attraction – it was attended by Sophia, described as “the most advanced social humanoid robot”.

Developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics, Sophia has been created in the image of actress Audrey Hepburn, and is renowned for “her human-like appearance and behaviour compared to previous robotic variants”, Forevermark noted.

Further, elaborating on her presence, Forevermark said: “Sophia expressed her ability to participate in the whole process of selecting a Forevermark diamond and identifying its characteristics with Stephen Lussier, CEO Forevermark and Sachin Jain, President, Forevermark. A first for any Artificial Intelligence!”

Jain commented: “We are thrilled to have Sophia here as she embodies the theme of the 7th Forevermark Forum - ‘The Future is Now’. Technology has been the driving force for us at Forevermark, which we know is evolving as fast as it is going obsolete. Through this year's theme we wanted to showcase a glimpse into everything the future holds, and Artificial Intelligence is definitely going to be a huge part of it.”

Forevermark, the diamond brand from the De Beers Group of Companies, has provided, over the past seven years, an exceptional platform in the way of the Forevermark Forum for all their partners to come together – to interact, to transact business and to gain “a new perspective on Forevermark’s growth in the context of events within and outside the industry”. 

Pic Cap: Sophia (centre) with Stephen Lussier, CEO Forevermark (left) and Sachin Jain, President, Forevermark (right)