Jul 11, 2019

ICA Poster Competition at 2019 Congress to Focus on Promotion of Natural Gemstones

The International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) has announced that its 2019 Poster Competition, traditionally held along with the ICA Congress, will focus this year on emphasizing the authenticity of gemstones. The Congress is being held in Bangkok on October 12-15, 2019.

Calling on graphics designers worldwide to design a poster (or posters) around the theme "Gemstone - a genuine treasure to hold on to", the ICA said that all designs must include a a piece of any kind of jewellery adorned with coloured gemstones.

“In the last couple of years, the world was introduced to ‘fake reality’, ‘fake facts’ and ‘fake news’ which had an effect on our society. ICA looks on the coming congress as a unique opportunity to contribute its opinion on the subject, emphasizing the authenticity of gemstones - unique coloured minerals created by nature millions of years ago,” ICA said.

As per the rules and regulations announced by the organisers, each poster should include the name of the association "ICA -International Colored Gemstone Association" in English only, and in addition to a piece of jewellery with coloured gemstones, the designer can also have any other images and any slogan that will express the values of ICA. If possible, the poster should also reflect phases of the gemstone business:  usage of natural sources, mining, producing and trade, the organisers stated.

A graphic designer may submit up to 3 (three) designs.

There will be three awards, with the first, second and third winners receiving prizes of US$ 2,000, US$ 1,500 and US$ 1,000 respectively.

The last date for submitting designs is September 20, 2019, the ICA said.

The coordinator of this competition is Yehuda Kassif, a special advisor to the ICA Board.

More information and relevant technical details are available on the ICA website: http://www.gemstone.org