Nov 20, 2018

KP Plenary Ends with Commitment to Internal Reforms and to UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

The Kimberley Process, celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, recently concluded its Plenary Meeting which was held from November 12-16, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.

In its closing statement, KP said: “Since it was launched in 2003, the Kimberley Process has contributed towards peace, security and prosperity. It has proven to be an effective multilateral tool for conflict prevention in stemming the flow of conflict diamonds. The Kimberley Process has had valuable developmental impact in improving the lives of most people dependent on the trade in diamonds.”

KP attributed its success to the “commitment of the Tripartite” – of governments, industry and civil society. 

The two main points which emerged at the Plenary were KP’s determination to go ahead with reforms to the body, a process which has been in progress for some time.

“The Plenary recalled its commitment to the reform and review of the Kimberley Process including enhancing its effectiveness and considering how to strengthen the scope of the Kimberley Process in the Core Document, in line with the 2017 Brisbane Plenary Communiqué,” KP said. “The Plenary noted the submissions, to that end, by the European Union, the United States, Canada, as well as the joint submission by the World Diamond Council and the Civil Society Coalition, and invited further contributions from Participants and Observers. All such contributions will be compiled and considered by the Kimberley Process.”

The KP Plenary also emphasised its commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. KP noted that all countries have adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity.

“The Kimberley Process already contributes toward the achievement of these goals,” the   body emphasised. “The Plenary noted that Goal 16 will be critical for the eradication of extreme poverty within a decade. Together we will continue to work to ensure that the Process remains not just relevant for the future but that it makes an even greater contribution toward achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.”

The Plenary also adopted the following Administrative Decisions:  

  • Administrative Decision for ‘Establishment of a Kimberley Process Secretariat’
  •  Administrative Decision for ‘KP Engagement with External Organizations’
  • Administrative Decision on the ‘Compilation of Modifications to Technical Definitions’
  • Administrative Decision on the ‘Use of Unified Diamond Nomenclature and Terminology as a Best Practice’

Another significant matter which emerged was that of lab grown diamonds which was part of the mandate of the Working Group on Artisanal and Alluvial Production (WGAAP) and Working Group of Diamond Experts (WGDE). Referring to the two groups the KP said: “The WGAAP and WGDE held a joint session on the implication of the growth in the production of synthetic diamonds. The discussion that followed thereafter showed the strong need for differentiation between rough diamonds and synthetic (laboratory grown) diamonds, addressing the negative images related to artisanal diamond production and for openness to the continued discussion on the expansion of the scope of the Kimberley Process.”

The organisation added: “The WGDE Chair reported on the process undertaken with the WCO toward the establishment of the HS code for “synthetic diamonds” (laboratory grown) and encouraged the KP Participants to seek support from their respective delegations to WCO meetings on this matter.”

India, which was appointed the Chair for the Ad Committee on Review and Reform (AHCRR), formed in the Brisbane Plenary, has been working extensively over the last one year on the issues identified in the AD.

“The Plenary welcomed the work done by the Ad Hoc Committee on Review & Reforms (AHCRR), which had formed four sub teams on Core Document, establishment of Permanent Secretariat, establishment of Multi Donor Trust Fund and strengthening of Peer Review Mechanism to simultaneously work on these four areas identified at the AD on AHCRR adopted at Brisbane Plenary to be the focus areas for reform of KP in its third reform cycle since the establishment of the KPCS in 2003,” KP elaborated.

The organisation added: “The Plenary noted that the AHCRR will continue discussion and consultations on the areas of consolidation of the Core Document and strengthening of Peer Review Mechanism, establishment of the Permanent Secretariat, establishment of the Multi Donor Fund, considering how to strengthen the scope of KP and will report to the KP Intersessional and Plenary meeting.”

Angola has been appointed as the new Chair of the AHCRR; and Canada as the new Vice-Chair of the AHCRR for 2019.

India, which will take the KP Chair in 2019, was represented at the Plenary by Commerce Secretary, Government of India, Dr Anup Wadhawan. 

In an address to the Plenary, Dr Wadhawan thanked the body, “for reposing faith and trust in India for the second time since 2008”, when it was also the Chair of the organisation. 

Stressing that “India is synonymous historically with diamonds, precious stones and jewellery,” he said that the ancient philosophy of the country believes in the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, which literally means that this world is a big family.

“It is apt today in this forum to state that KP is a big family and we are a proud to be a responsible member of it,” he said. “This is a unique family and includes governments, industry and the civil society coalition.”

He added: “We are committed to keep this family together, its tripartite structure and to take its mandate forward through inclusive and deliberative approaches. Progress must be achieved keeping in mind the interests of millions of people whose livelihoods are directly or indirectly dependent on the business of diamonds.”

He assured all present that India “will remain sensitive to the demands of the consumers who keep this business going as they are also an integral and vital link in the supply chain”.

“With leadership comes greater responsibility,” Dr. Wadhawan noted. “India will always be extremely conscious of and responsible towards fulfillment of the KP mandate towards a system which sources only conflict free diamonds. We will strive to ensure smiles on the faces of a million odd people whose lives diamonds directly touch as they are their means for earning a livelihood.”

He also stressed that India is sensitive to the issues and challenges of Artisanal & Small Scale mining and acknowledged the contribution made by the KP members, Observers and agencies for the upliftment of these segments. 

“India during its Chairmanship would like to continue with the tradition and aim to support the ASM with the capacity building, technical assistance and education on valuation, differentiation between Natural and Lab Grown diamonds, importance of legal and formal mining practices,” Dr. Wadhawan stated.  “We welcome the suggestions and participation from KP family members and look forward to work closely in the larger interest of the trade.” 

He noted too, that India has played a leading role in addressing  the issue of differentiation between  Natural Diamonds and Lab Grown Diamonds and emphasised that the country will take further initiatives to have better differentiation and ensure responsible business on this front. “We invite all of you to India next year to witness how we have used diamond as a vehicle to improve the lives of the people of this industry and also witness the rapid progress we have done in investing in a highly efficient and modern infrastructure to process the diamonds,” he said. “Such investment has given value to diamonds which were otherwise being used as industrials and in a literal sense India has democratised the usage of diamonds by making diamond as a product accessible to the lower income group people of the society worldwide by giving them diamonds which they can afford.”

Dr. Wadhwan extended a warm invitation for participants to attend the next Intersessional of KP, which will be held with India as the Chair