Aug 07, 2018

Lucapa Recovers More Specials and Coloured Diamonds from Mothae Project in Lesotho

Lucapa Diamond Company has announced the recovery of some more specials (diamonds > 10.8 cts) as well as some coloured diamonds from the ongoing bulk sampling programme at its Mothae project in Lesotho. The Company is a 70% owner of the mine, with the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho owning the other 30%.

The Mothae kimberlite pipe is a high-quality diamond resource located within 5km of Letšeng, the highest US$ per carat kimberlite diamond mine in the world.

In a statement released today, Lucapa said that its latest recoveries included a 28 carat stone from the North zone of the Mothae kimberlite pipe and two smaller light pink diamonds. The new large diamond discovery follows the earlier recovery of other Specials including an 89 carat yellow from the South-East zone, a 25 carat yellow from the Neck zone and a 12 carat white from the North zone.

The Company also said that the recovery of two pink diamonds, following earlier recoveries of a 3 carat pink diamond in the historic bulk sampling conducted in 2008-2012 help establish that Mothae also hosts pink diamonds.

Stephen Wetherall, MD, said that the current bulk sampling is aimed at expanding the published +1 million carat JORC resource estimate. During this programme testing will be carried out in areas of the Mothae kimberlite pipe which are not included in the resource or which require further sampling to enhance the resource, he stated.

This bulk sampling program is being conducted in parallel with construction of the new 150 tonne per hour commercial diamond plant, which continues on schedule for H2 2018 commissioning.

Pic caption: Selection of Mothae diamonds (pre acid washing) recovered from the ongoing bulk sampling program including yellows, whites and light pinks