Sep 27, 2019

Lucara Recovers 10 Ct Blue and 4 Ct Pink Gem Quality Diamonds from Karowe

Lucara Diamond Corp. yesterday announced the recovery of an exceptional blue, 9.74 carat gem quality diamond and a 4.13 carat pink gem quality diamond from direct milling of South Lobe ore from its 100% owned Karowe Diamond Mine located in Botswana. 

The company said it would be putting both these diamonds on sale at its fourth quarter tender to be held in December.

A number of historic coloured diamonds have been recovered from Karowe in the past, including the 9.46 ct "Aven Blue" which sold for US$ 477,000 per carat in 2012. More recently, Lucara sold a 2.24 carat blue diamond for US$ 347,222 per carat and

Eira Thomas, Lucara's CEO commented: "Lucara is extremely pleased with the recovery of these rare, sizeable, fancy coloured diamonds, which have the potential to contribute meaningful value to our regular production of large, high value type IIa diamonds. We look forward to offering these diamonds in our fourth quarter tender to be held in December 2019."

Pic caption: The 9.74ct blue and 4.13 ct pink diamonds recovered at Karowe

Pic courtesy: Lucara
