Jul 04, 2019

New Service Launched to Assist Jewellers of the SME Sector to Source Responsibly

Levin Sources, which describes itself as “a consultancy and social venture that moves more minerals through systems where good governance and better business are the norm” has launched a new service which aims to help small jewellers “achieve an ethical supply chain”.

“Jewellery customers are increasingly keen to purchase ethical, sustainable, and compassionate pieces,” the consultancy explains on its website, announcing the service. “Yet for many small jewellers, taking the steps to ensure they have the right policies and procedures in place to live up to their ethical commitment can be complex and expensive.” 

Hence, Levine Sources has launched the Responsible Sourcing for Small Jewellers Service. This service is available to jewellers in the UK, Ireland, Continental Europe, and the US, the consultancy states.

With over 15 years of experience of working closely with jewellers and SMEs on responsible business practices, Levine Sources says it has been able to fashion “a tailor-made, easy-to-use service” which will aid small jewellers achieve compliance.

“The step-by-step, bespoke method provides SMEs with the assessment, mapping, and storytelling support they need to evolve their supply chain, comply with standards, and communicate the changes to their consumers in an impactful way,” the consultancy explains.

Levine defines the deliverables offered as part of this service as:

  • Identify and draft the business’ ethical commitment
  • Work together on assessing current practices
  • Devise ethical policies, including tips on how to take this on your own going forward
  • Set up responsible sourcing practices through supplier due diligence
  • Prepare for certification to ensure compliance with RJC, Fairtrade, Fairmined and CRAFT certification standards
  • Produce customer-facing communication, storytelling strategy, and content delivery

“Arabel Lebrusan, ethical jewellery designer and founder of Lebrusan Studio, was one of the first to trial our service,” the consultancy recounts, sharing the experience of its clients. “She says: “Levin Sources helped me draft a comprehensive Ethical Policy for my supply chain and strengthen the process for risk management. Their support allowed me to take my business to the next stage and gave me confidence in my own ability to create policies backing up my company’s responsible values”.”