Nov 26, 2018

Newfield Announces a Resource of 7.4 million Cts for the Tongo Diamond Project

Newfield Resources Limited (Newfield) today announced an updated JORC-compliant resource estimate for its Tongo Diamond Project in Sierra Leone. “This resource update is one outcome of the ongoing Front End Engineering Design (FEED) programme for the Tongo Project, and incorporates data from the recent mine development drilling programme of 10,792 metres of 50m infill core drilling,” the Company said.

Newfield revealed that the Tongo Project JORC-compliant resource estimate now stands at 7.4 million carats across four kimberlites: Kundu – 2.8m carats at a grade of 3.2cpt and diamond value of US$194/carat; Lando – 3.0m carats at a grade of 2.9cpt and a diamond value of US$194/carat; Tongo Dyke-1 – 1.4m carats at a grade of 1.5cpt and a diamond value of US$187/carat; and Pandebu – 0.2m carats at a grade of 1.1cpt and a diamond value of US$182/carat.  

Newfield said that approximately 1.9m carats (26%), or 0.7Mt (25%) have been classified in the Indicated JORC category.  

This estimate is limited to only 230m depth for Kundu, Lando and Pandebu and 400m for Tongo Dyke-1; and the resource covers only four of the 11 identified kimberlites at the Tongo Project.

Independent consultants MPH Consulting Limited – JORC Resource and Exploration Target Statement; and Z-Star Mineral Resource Consultants – Grade and Revenue Modelling prepared the resource statement.

Newfield said that the Tongo FEED program is on track for completion in the current quarter.  

Newfield Executive Director, Mike Lynn, commented: “The updated JORC-compliant resource statement reveals a robust Indicated and Inferred diamond resource of 7.4 million carats from just four of the 11 known kimberlites hosted by the Tongo Project. It is significant to note that a substantial portion, some 1.9 million carats, or approximately 25% of the updated in-situ resource, is classed in the Indicated category. This underlines a considerably higher confidence level in key geological and technical parameters. It is very pleasing that this substantial resource has been declared so early in the Newfield work programme at Tongo.”   

He added: “The diamond grades and values, in particular for the Kundu and Lando kimberlites, point to some of the most impressive kimberlites globally on a dollar per tonne rock value basis. The updated resource estimate is also predominantly limited to a depth of just 230m from surface. Previous deeper drilling has shown that these kimberlites extend to much greater depths which, along with the clear potential from other identified kimberlites on the Project, would suggest the global resource could be significantly increased in the future with more evaluation work. It is for this reason that we have previously described the Tongo Project as a potential generational asset.”

Lynn said the updated grade and value results will now be incorporated into the mine optimisation work being undertaken as part of the current FEED programme on the Tongo Project.