Dec 15, 2017

Not All Work at IDWI 2018 as IDE Ups the Fun and Pleasure Quotient

The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) has declared  that the seventh International Diamond Week in Israel (IDWI) from February 5 – 7, 2018, will have a greater “fun” quotient that ever before.

The organisers   announced yesterday that while the “ event offers three  full days of diamond trade opportunities within IDE’s huge trading hall, with over 250 diamond companies exhibiting from Israel and around the world”, they have also lined up  a “variety of evening events and a festive closing party” to serve up a cocktail of business mixed with pleasure.   

 IDE also noted that hotels have been chosen to enhance the comfort and convenience of IDWI participants. “All are hotels that cater for international business travelers and are located close to the diamond district,” the organisation said.  

IDE President Yoram Dvash commented: “IDWI is an excellent start for a winter break, with three complimentary hotel nights. We hope that participants will extend their stay and discover all that Tel Aviv has to offer – the beach, restaurants, nightlife and history.”

Ezra Boaron, the new chairman of IDWI said, “We are working to make this year’s event surpass previous ones in every way, with more goods, more opportunities and more excitement.  We opened the registration earlier this month for IDWI 2018 and we’re already seeing great interest.”