Dec 03, 2018

Orapa AK10 Kimberlite Mineral Chemistry Assessment Indicates +50 Ct Diamond Potential Says Pangolin

Pangolin Diamonds Corp announcing the results of an indicator mineral chemistry classification of Orapa AK10 kimberlite, for which the Company   has been granted the “sole and exclusive option” to earn up to a 75% interest, said that the kimberlite has +50 carat diamond potential.

“A database of mineral chemistry analyses from the Orapa AK10 kimberlite consisting of 8,969 analyses of individual kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) were submitted to CF Mineral Research for classification using their proprietary classification scheme for KIMs to assess the diamond potential of the Orapa AK10 kimberlite,” Pangolin said. “A total of 1,908 clinopyroxene analyses were classified. The result of the classification found that 12.6% of the clinopyroxenes, both eclogitic and peridotitc, are associated with a derivation from the diamond stability field. The mineral chemistry of 15.4% of these diamond inclusion type clinopyroxenes is consistent with the chemistry of clinopyroxe diamond inclusions recovered from +50 carat diamonds.”  

The Company averred that this result is consistent with the fact that the large stone producing Karowe Mine (of Lucara Diamond Corp.) is only 4.4 km away.  This proximity is also advantageous as infrastructure – including power and roads – is well established, Pangolin stated.

Dr. Leon Daniels said, “As a co-founder of African Diamonds where I identified the potential of the AK6 kimberlite (Karowe Mine) I am very excited about the positive classification of the KIMs of the AK10 kimberlite to potentially host large +50 carat Type 11a diamonds.  This is a step in the right direction for the Company to have a two prong strategy of commencing with a 500 tonne mini-bulk sample of the AK10 kimberlite to confirm the reported diamondiferous character of AK10, dove-tailed with our own homegrown exploration activities in search of a new kimberlite field in Botswana where we have recovered 27 diamonds in soils roughly 90 km SE of the Orapa Kimberlite Field, the largest being 0.19 carats thus far.”

In order to confirm the diamondiferous character of the kimberlite, the Company has scheduled a 500-tonne mini-bulk sample to commence Q1 2019.