Aug 09, 2018

Prelude to IIJS 2018: A Dazzling Curtain Raiser

On the eve of the official inauguration of the India International Jewellery Show (IIJS) 2018, on the evening of August 8, 2018, The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council held the Prelude to IIJS.

It was a time when the stops were pulled out where design creativity and razzle dazzle were concerned. At the event, 15 jewellers showcased their best and brightest jewellery adorning models dressed in designer apparel. On display was every kind of jewellery consumers from   markets across the world would desire and aspire to. From large bridal pieces worked in gold, highlighted with a coloured gemstones, minakari and other embellishments; to diamond studded jewellery set off with coloured gemstones; or then dazzling in white light  of their own, were all dazzlingly displayed.

The companies participating in the Prelude to IIJS included (in order of appearance): Sparsh Jewellers, Romil Jewellery, Mehta Gold, Kulthiaa Jewels, Sheetal Jewellery House LLP, Sanskriti Jewels, Alma Jewels, Agarwal & Co. by Narain Agarwal, Hreenkar Jewellers, Tatiwala’s Gehna, Achal Jewels, CVM, Midas Diamonds Pvt. Ltd, Laxmi Export Pvt. Ltd, and Tara Fine Jewels.

Speaking briefly in the interlude between segments, GJEPC Chairman Pramod Agrawal welcomed the guests including the exhibitors, Indian and international; visitors from the world over and the media. He said that the Prelude to IIJS was an opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their innovative designs and excellent craftsmanship. “India is well known all over the world for its gems & jewellery; its designs and the skills of its craftsmen,” he emphasised.

Speaking about the IIJS, the Chairman remarked that it had grown greatly over the years and that this year’s edition would be even bigger than earlier shows, with the addition of 800 stalls housed in a new Hall.  He also spoke of the upgraded facilities, including the mobile app launched by the GJEPC specifically for the show, which had the floor plan, and hence would make it easier for participants to navigate the show.

“India is the leading diamond manufacturing centres; the fourth largest jewellery supplier to the world and a renowned centre for coloured gemstones,” Agrawal added. “Moreover it is a centre which follows the best business practices and is completely compliant.”

The Diamond Producers Association’s (DPA) CEO Jean-Marc Lieberherr and Managing Director, India, Richa Singh also made presentations at the event. While Lieberherr spoke about the DPA, its missions and its overall marketing efforts; Singh detailed the development of the India campaign from the study they conducted amongst consumers, developing of the campaign itself, and ended by showing the final product – a couple of  films which are part of the campaign.

Liberherr said the DPA’s budget had risen from US$ 6 million when the organisation first began its marketing efforts to US$ 70 million currently. The break-up of the present spend is: US$ 48 million spend for the USA; US$ 3 million in Europe; US$ 10 million for China and US$ 9 million for India.

Lieberherr was all praise for the GJEPC and its vision for generic marketing. It was the only non-member contributor to the campaign funds, he stressed.

The Prelude to IIJS was organised by the GJEPC in association with the DPA; powered by GIA and co-partnered by Achal Jewels.

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Seen at the Prelude to IIJS just after the lamp lighting ceremony: (frm rt) Shailesh Sangani, Convener, National Exhibitions, GJEPC; Nirupa Bhatt, GIA’s Managing Director for India and the Middle-East; Colin Shah, Vice-Chairman GJEPC; Pramod Agrawal Chairman GJEPC; Jean-Marc Lieberherr, CEO, DPA; Milan Chokshi, Convener, PM&BD, GJEPC; and Sabyasachi Ray, Executive Director, GJEPC.