Jan 11, 2018

Sarine Launches New DiaExpert Edge ™ as Upgrade for DiaExpert® Planning Systems

Sarine Technologies Ltd has launched an added-value upgrade for existing or new DiaExpert® platforms – the DiaExpert Edge™, which will further enhance rough diamond planning accuracy, efficiency and yield. The system can either be retrofitted on existing platforms or can be an optional add-on when purchasing a new DiaExpert® platform, the Company said.

The system uses advanced LED technology to achieve radically more accurate modelling, capturing even the most minute surface features and texture with incredible precision and clarity, Sarine stated.

It will enable the use of markedly thinner planning margins, preclude the necessity for any manual intervention / correction of the 3D model and allow for much better integration with the Galaxy® and subsequent laser cutting process, according to the Company.

The overall modelling, scanning and planning process will thus be faster and more efficient, more completely automated, preclude errors or "naturals" and increase the yield and beauty of the polished stone (e.g., on rare rough crystal stones, the new accuracy will allow using the rough stone material more completely, including its natural apexes).

David Block, Chief Executive Officer of Sarine Group, said, “Sarine is once again redefining the state-of-the-art of rough diamond planning with its launch of the new DiaExpert EdgeTM upgrade kit for existing or new DiaExpert® systems. We are proud to continue to be at the forefront of introducing technical enhancements to the diamond industry, which improve profitability, as well as product quality and value."

Pic Cap: The new DiaExpert EdgeTM captures even the most minute surface features and texture with incredible precision and clarity