Oct 31, 2019

Sarine to Adapt its AI-Based Grading Tech to Meet Specific Requirements of Tiffany & Co.

Sarine Technologies Ltd has announced that it will be working closely with Tiffany & Co to adapt its automated artificial intelligence (AI) based grading technology to meet the latter’s stringent grading guidelines and criteria, especially with regard to the grading standards it follows for Color and Clarity.

The automated tech solution developed by Sarine aims to perfect the way diamonds are graded and to ensure consistent and accurate grading which is a key element in securing consumers’ trust in diamonds. Sarine said that over the past few years it has invested significant R&D efforts, employing computer vision, advanced software algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence to realise technology-based AI-driven objective grading. According to Sarine, the automated grading technology it has developed substantially removes subjective human error and bias from the grading process, thus enabling a new level of accuracy, reliability and consistency.

In a statement released yesterday, Sarine said that while this technology, introduced in early 2018, was developed to be 'GIA compatible', meaning the basis for the machine learning and grading was the GIA grading system, Tiffany's stringent grading standards pose additional challenges, which require further refinement to adapt the paradigm to Tiffany's requirements.

Andy Hart, Tiffany’s Senior Vice President of Manufacturing, Diamonds & Gemstones, said, “The anticipated advances in grading technology by Sarine will enable the Tiffany Gemological Laboratory’s graders to continually employ the best technology available in the industry to objectively, consistently and efficiently measure and uphold our demanding grading standards for Tiffany diamonds.”

David Block, CEO of Sarine Technologies, said, "We are excited to be working again with Tiffany, one of the leading polishing and retailing organisations in our industry. Adapting our technology based grading to meet Tiffany’s rigorous grading standards is a non-trivial task, requiring a dedicated team of gemmologists, scientists and engineers to push the technological envelope even further.”