Nov 05, 2018

Sotheby’s Upcoming Auction in Geneva Puts the Focus on Blue Diamonds

Sotheby’s forthcoming Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels sale in Geneva, to be held on  November 15, 2018, will be offering “several rare and exquisite blue diamonds” the auction house has said.

“Captivating and enigmatic, blue diamonds are considered the rarest of them all,” Sotheby’s elaborated. “Greatly admired and eagerly sought after by collectors and connoisseurs alike, blue diamond discoveries are sporadic and astonishing occurrences, making them one of the nature’s rarest endowments.”

Recounting the history of coloured diamonds, Sotheby’s recalls that Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, a French merchant and adventurer,   was one of the first whose interest was piqued by fancy coloured diamonds. “He sold the ‘Tavernier Blue Diamond’, also called the ‘French Blue’ to Louis XIV in 1669,” Sotheby’s says.

The auction house stressed that since then  (the 17th century)  the value of coloured diamonds has increased considerably.

“Fancy coloured diamonds are rarer than their near colourless counterparts and there are many different hues and intensities which have been discovered,” Sotheby’s notes. “For many coloured diamonds, the colour comes from elements present within the crystal lattice and depends on the element present, such as nitrogen which causes yellow and boron which causes blue.”

Though  all Fancy Coloured Diamonds are rare, the intensity of colour can vary from diamond to  diamond; and hence diamonds are graded according to their colour intensity, and can range from Faint to Fancy Vivid.

For some time now, blue diamonds have evoked particular interest from the cognoscenti. The   success of last season’s legendary Farnese Blue diamond, is by now well known. And hence, Sotheby’s is more than confident about its upcoming Geneva auction which will lead   with four extraordinary blue diamonds.

“An extremely rare Internally Flawless round brilliant-cut Fancy Intense Blue diamond weighing 2.02 carats showcases rarity with its cut – to retain such a saturation of colour within a brilliant-cut is a feat of a skilled craftsman,” Sotheby’s says describing the blues collection. “Not only exceptional but stylish, a pair of earrings boast two spectacular blue diamonds set within a single jewel. Both have received the coveted grade of Fancy Vivid and proclaim a colour which is sure to stand out whilst wearing them. An attractive 5.04 carat diamond graded as Fancy Vivid Blue showcases a strong colour whilst also having an impressive size.”

The rare pair of Fancy Vivid Blue   diamond pendant earrings with one diamond of 2.61 carats and the other 3.06 carats has been estimated at between US$ 8,000,000-US$ 10,000,000;   the ring with a rare Fancy Vivid Blue  rectangle cut diamond of 5.04 carats at between US$ 9,000,000 - US$ 12,000,000; and the ring with a rare Internally Flawless Intense Blue diamond of 2.02 carats at between US$ 2,000,000 - US$ 3,000,000.

Viewings of  these remarkable blue diamonds and other jewels which will come up for auction will be held  at the Mandarin Oriental Geneva from   November 10-15, 2018, from 10 am to 6 pm, except on November 15, when viewing  will end at  4 pm.

Pic  Courtesy: Sotheby’s