Oct 29, 2018

Star Diamond’s Fort à la Corne Project Progressed; Receives Clearance for Star-Orion South Diamond Project

Star Diamond Corporation announced that Rio Tinto Exploration Canada (RTEC) has commenced a “Brownfields exploration programme to investigate and prioritise the Fort à la Corne kimberlites outside of the Star and Orion South kimberlites”.

The Corporation stated: “While the Star and Orion South kimberlites are the focus of present and future bulk sampling by RTEC, respectively, there are some 60 other kimberlites within in the Fort à la Corne diamond district of central Saskatchewan, Canada, on mineral dispositions held 100 per cent by Star Diamond.”

Earlier, Star Diamond and other companies completed extensive exploration on the Fort à la Corne kimberlites. The programme included geophysical surveys, pattern core drilling, large diameter drilling and micro and macro diamond analyses, which resulted in the documentation of geological models for a number of these bodies.

“The aim of RTEC’s Brownfields programme is to reinvestigate these other kimberlites to assess and prioritise them for future exploration and evaluation work,” Star Diamond elaborated. “Programmes currently underway include detailed core logging, indicator mineral abundance and composition studies, and studies of diamond results, in addition to an extensive airborne geophysical survey of the Fort à la Corne diamond district.”

Senior Vice President Exploration and Development, George Read commented: “While RTEC’s work under the Option Agreement between Star Diamond and RTEC involves the bulk sampling of the Star and Orion South kimberlites, this additional Brownfields exploration programme by RTEC aims to investigate and prioritise the Corporation’s other kimberlite bodies in the Fort à la Corne diamond district. RTEC is using current exploration methods, in addition to in-house exploration methods to reinvestigate the other Fort à la Corne kimberlites to assess and prioritise them for future exploration and evaluation work.”

Meanwhile, Star Diamond also announced that it has received the approval of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment for the Corporation’s Star - Orion South Diamond Project, located in the Fort à la Corne diamond district of central Saskatchewan, Canada, on mineral dispositions held 100 per cent by Star Diamond.

The Environment Minister of Saskatchewan Dustin Duncan announced approval for the Project under The Environmental Assessment Act, indicating that “The Star-Orion South Diamond Mine is a major development with the potential to bring jobs to the area and diversify Saskatchewan’s economy.”

Kenneth E. MacNeill, President and CEO of the Corporation said: “This approval, alongside the previous positive Federal decision, marks a major milestone towards the development of a diamond mine in Saskatchewan. We have previously demonstrated that the proposed Star - Orion South Diamond Project can be successfully constructed and operated and are very pleased that the Project has now received positive federal and provincial environmental decisions.”

Star Diamond said that the Ministry has indicated that they conducted a thorough environmental assessment for the Project, including a detailed environmental impact statement, and carried out in-depth consultation prior to the decision to approve the Project. This included fulfilling the Province’s duty to consult responsibility. The Government of Saskatchewan consulted with local First Nations and Métis communities and has developed accommodations that will address potential adverse impacts to Treaty rights and traditional uses. Prior to proceeding with the Project, further provincial and municipal permits and approvals will be required, the Corporation elaborated.