Apr 01, 2020

UNI.Diamonds and EzCalc to Jointly Create a System for More Efficient Digital Trading for the Diamond Industry

The situation arising out of the COVID-19 impact has emphasised the need for carrying out business remotely.

UNI.Diamonds and EzCalc, two industry players in the digital arena came together to cater to the diamond industry’s need for a more efficient and cost-efficient system for carrying on business remotely.

UNI.Diamonds, an online diamond buying and selling platform, was launched at the beginning of October 2018. EzCalc is a widely used diamond-search and pricing application.

The two orgaisations propose to jointly develop a system which will enable buyers, using computer or mobile devices, to conduct searches according to quality and price criteria. “After selecting and remotely examining goods from a database worth more than $1 billion, representing the real-time stock of multiple major and niche suppliers, they will be able to complete a purchase and arrange its secure delivery wherever they choose,” Uni.Diamonds said.

“This a not a partnership that was created as result of the COVID-19 crisis, for we began our strategic discussions some time ago,” said Mahiar Borhanjoo, UNI’s CEO. “But, fortuitously, it provides solutions that are ever more relevant in the environment that has been created in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.”

He added: “Members of the trade are looking for tools that will enable them to conduct business safely and with a minimum of risk, be it health-wise or business-related. That’s exactly what we are creating. The app enables them to search for diamonds by size, shape, colour, quality and price range. They are offered a selection of goods, which they can examine and then make a decision. We will facilitate the transaction and guarantee the diamonds’ safe delivery. The clients do not have to step out of the door if they do not wish to.”

Daniel Moshe, President of DM-TM Ltd., the developer of EzCalc commented: “Marrying the technical expertise of two great companies, we bring to the industry massive assortment, competitive pricing, and the ability to complete door to door transactions from your cell phone. It is a tool that is tailor-made for the challenging environment in which we today live. We look forward to working with UNI and its partners, and also to growing our support to the industry in every way we possibly can.”