Dec 26, 2018

Vicenza’s Museo del Gioiello’s ‘New Permanent Collection’ Opened; On Till End 2020

The Museo del Gioiello,   an exhibition area inside the Basilica Palladiana, managed by Italian Exhibition Group SpA (IEG) in partnership with Vicenza Municipality, is an international jewellery reference point.

Recently, the third biennial edition of the jewellery exhibit was inaugurated at the  Museo del Gioiello, described as “the first museum in Italy and one of only a few in the world exclusively dedicated to jewellery”.

The new permanent collection will be on display until the end of 2020.

“The opening event – preceded by an exclusive VIP Preview – was held at 5 pm in the Stucco Room at Palazzo Trissino and was attended by, among others, the Deputy Mayor of Vicenza, Matteo Tosetto, the  Director of the Jewellery and Fashion Division at IEG, Marco Carniello and Alba Cappellieri, Director of the Jewellery Museum, Professor of Jewellery Design at Milan Polytechnic and Italy’s top jewellery expert,” IEG said in a press release after the inauguration.

“The Museo del Gioiello, with its origins and beating heart in the Berici Hills territory, is like no other place in the world,” said Marco Carniello, Director of Jewellery and Fashion Division at IEG. “Italian Exhibition Group, thanks to its acknowledged leadership in the sector, is proud to contribute to globally promoting and spreading the jewellery tradition and  culture – especially in this historical district.”

Alba Cappellieri, the Museum’s Director commented: “The Museo del Gioiello contributes to making Vicenza one of the world’s jewellery capitals. This new edition will give visitors the chance to admire unique and extraordinary jewellery from some of the most exclusive collections, selected by internationally famous curators in accordance with the various conceptions, values and meanings of jewellery. The exhibition itinerary is a journey through the centuries that leads to the discovery of works of art from the past and contemporary jewellery items that mix art, fashion, design and high jewellery.”

 “The history of Vicenza is closely linked to that of jewellery and the goldsmith craft,” said Deputy Mayor Matteo Tosetto. “For this reason, the Museo del Gioiello jewellery museum could never be anywhere else but inside the Basilica Palladiana, the City’s symbol and the architectonic heritage that Andrea Palladio bequeathed to us. Today we have inaugurated a new collection, proving once again that, not only was the idea of dedicating a permanent and unique exhibition area to jewellery a winning one, but it was also right to insert it in Vicenza’s cultural circuit in a collaboration that we hope will become even closer.”

The third edition of the jewellery exhibit  features  310 unique, exclusive and priceless jewellery masterpieces. These pieces company the contemporary with “suggestions from the past and projections into the future” and are   mainly drawn from inaccessible private collections.

“The new edition sees nine  internationally renowned curators, each of whom have given their own interpretation of jewellery in their respective themed rooms,” IEG elaborated.

Describing the exhibits IEG said: “In the Symbol Room, Pascale Lepeu – Director of the Cartier collection – describes the symbolic power of ornaments; Cristina Boschetti – archaeologist and expert in the artistic work of the Mediterranean, Hellenistic and Roman eras –   has brought jewels to the Magic Room  that allude to superior forces and timeless values; Massimo Vidale – Professor of Archaeology at Padua University – focuses the visitors attention on the communicative function of jewellery in the Function Room; Patrizia di Carrobbio – diamond expert in New York – was entrusted with the Beauty Room, where high jewellery encounters fashion jewellery; Marie-José van den Hout is responsible for the Art Room, which hosts items resulting from the experimentation of international artists; Chichi Meroni, the creative spirit of the Arabesque Cult Store in Milan, has curated the Fashion Room, dedicated to costume jewellery made between the 1920s and  ’80s; the Design Room, devoted to “designers without design”, was curated by Alba Cappellieri herself and is dedicated to jewellery designers and their experiments; the Icon Room  is under the curatorship of Gabriele and Emanuele Pennisi, renowned antique jewellers in Milan, and hosts jewellery icons created between the 17th and 20th centuries. Lastly, the Future Room, which previews the jewellery trends of tomorrow, is curated by Portuguese designer, Olga Noronha.”