Oct 03, 2019

WDC Reiterates Need for KP Certificates for Trade in Rough Diamonds from CAR

The World Diamond Council, on the eve of its AGM in Antwerp has reiterated its call to members of the industry to practice the utmost caution when considering the purchase of goods that are known to have originated or are suspected to have originated in the Central African Republic (CAR).

It said that legitimate purchases can be made only of those rough diamonds which carry CAR KP Certificates confirming they are mined in “green” compliant zones. These are areas under secure CAR-government control, and where the KP also has determined that diamond production meets minimum KP requirements i.e. there can be no evidence of armed rebel group activity in the area.

Also, WDC said, all KP-certified rough diamonds from the CAR need to have been approved for export by the Kimberley Process’ specially designated CAR Monitoring Team chaired by the United States and including representatives of a number of KP’s Working Groups, as well as representatives of the WDC and civil society.

At a presentation last week in Dubai, WDC President Stephane Fischler had highlighted the role played by the CAR Monitoring Team, noting that, with due support from the United Nations, it acts as one of a few stabilizing factors in a country that has long suffered the devastation of civil conflict. These continuing efforts are crucial to bringing peace and stability to the region, he said. They mirror the part played by the KP in previously war-torn parts of Africa, where the KPCS was successful in shutting down sources of revenue for rebel forces, allowing the affected countries’ diamond deposits to better meet their potential as generators of economic and social development.

Fischler also called on other KP-member countries to practice enhanced vigilance concerning the import of goods from the CAR. He also urged all members of the trade to strengthen the integrity of the diamond supply chain by proactively implementing the guidelines contained in WDC’s new System of Warranties. These also underscore the need to assess risks in areas beyond the KPCS, including human and labor rights, AML and anti-corruption, he stated.
