Mar 19, 2020

WFDB Extends Sympathy to Victims of COVID-19; Calls on Industry to Find Innovative Ways to Face Crisis

The President of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), Ernie Blom, on behalf of the entire Executive Committee, extended his sincere sympathy to all victims of the coronavirus, even as he urged the industry to “be innovative so that some semblance of business continues to take place” during the present phase.

Offering condolences to the families of those who have died due to the pandemic, Blom said, “In such times, I exhort all my colleagues across the globe to take adequate precautions as outlined by WHO, and their respective government authorities.”

He added, “At the same time let us not give in to panic but continue in our daily lives keeping our human values and commitment to overall social interest at the forefront.”    

Welcoming moves by bourses to either suspend trading or take measures to ensure the health and safety of the diamond trading community, he said that the industry was also reaching out to provide support to local communities in many places.

Describing the business situation across the globe as “critical”, Blom noted that the industry was fortunate that both ecommerce and digital platforms have developed to quite an extent as they can be the vehicles for business in these times of social distancing. “I also applaud initiatives like the virtual trade show announced by AWDC-IDI, which is a positive innovation.”

Expressing his hope that the COVID-19 would soon be vanquished, Blom said: “I wish you all a safe passage through these troubling times. Hold on to the hope that this too shall pass.”

Blom also pointed out that the trade has successfully emerged from challenging situations at various times in the past. “We are a resilient industry. Once this distressing period is over, I am confident that we will all get back to revitalising our businesses and putting them on an even stronger footing.”

“Be prepared. Be innovative. Be hopeful,” he concluded.