Feb 05, 2019

ZCDC Commences Process to Set up a Diamond Value Management Centre

The Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (Pvt) Ltd (ZCDC), wholly owned by the Government of Zimbabwe, has called for Expression of Interest (EoI) from companies with the relevant expertise and experience for “the Design, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Handover of a Diamond Value Management Centre (DVMC)”. 

Explaining the thinking behind the move, ZCDC says on its website: “Following the announcement of the new Diamond Policy, ZCDC intends to invest in a state-of-the-art (Centre of Excellence) Diamond Value Management Centre (DVMC) which will host ZCDC’s downstream quality management processes such as cleaning, sorting and valuation, as well as other administrative support services. The Centre will provide support services to all diamond mining operations in the country and also accommodate the diamond company’s Head Office.”

Currently, ZCDC is engaged in diamond mining operations in the Chiadzwa area of Manicaland Region. The Company also hopes to expand its mining activities and towards this aim it is carrying out exploration projects in Chimanimani, Chihota, Mwenezi, Nyika and Triangle.

ZCDC said it seeks to identify an Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) company with a proven track record to assist and deliver integrated solutions as required. “In addition, the company will provide state-of-the-art technologies for automated cleaning and sorting of diamonds,” the Company said.

However, there are detailed eligibility criteria which the applying EPCs must fulfil, including amongst various other points 10 years-experience in building “fully integrated diamond centres” of a similar nature. ZCDC has also said that the proposed EPC “must be familiar with high technology systems for diamond cleaning and sorting”.

The window for submitting Expression of Interest communications will close on March 1, 2019 at 16:00 hours. ZCDC has made it clear that a “Request for Proposal” will be issued only to shortlisted companies; and that no EoI will be entertained after the stipulated closing time.