IGI India To Certify Uncut, Unpolished Diamonds

IGI India will issue reports for uncut, unpolished diamonds, which are typically seen in traditional Indian bridal jewellery styles such as jadau. IGI India said its latest offering was a first among the grading laboratories, and filled an important gap in jewellery certification services.

IGI said it can attest to the uncut, unpolished diamond’s authenticity, provide confidence to manufacturers, and assure Indian brides about the legitimacy of the stones they will wear on their wedding day.

“Jadau jewellery is the epitome of high-skilled craftsmanship, the dream of the quintessential Indian bride,” said Tehmasp Printer, managing director of IGI India. “It is our pleasure to be the first in the industry to extend the service, making sure that the jewellery accentuating the bridal trousseau is authenticated in accordance with the highest standards in the gems and jewellery industry.”

IGI noted that issuing reports for these uncut, unpolished diamonds will add credibility to this sector of the jewellery industry – the main goal being to avoid mala fide practices, which can be common among these types of gemstones.

“We are honoured to present this new offering, which instils not only confidence for purchasers, but pays homage to the rich cultural history India has in the jewellery industry. As a trusted independent gemmological institute, we look forward to continuing to serve as a valuable resource for consumers,” said Roland Lorie, IGI CEO.

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