IIDGR’s SYNTHdetect ‘XL’ Boosts Screening Volumes

The International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research (IIDGR) by De Beers has introduced SYNTHdetect XL, an advanced version of the highly successful SYNTHdetect synthetic screening device launched last year.

SYNTHdetect XL has a larger base unit that allows multiple volumes of jewellery to be screened simultaneously, providing even greater efficiencies for users. It also provides the opportunity to now scan larger necklaces, multiple solitaire rings and multiple bracelets, while retaining the ease of use of the original device.

Jonathan Kendall, president, IIDGR, said: “Using the same revolutionary technology as the original SYNTHdetect, this new device allows more pieces of jewellery to be screened at a faster rate than ever before. SYNTHdetect XL will be another valuable tool for the trade, building on the strong positive feedback we’ve received since launching the first SYNTHdetect last year.”

Jamie Clark, commercial director, IIDGR, said: “SYNTHdetect XL is a really exciting detection tool because it allows users to efficiently test large quantities of finished jewellery, incorporating the revolutionary detection techniques for identifying all-natural diamonds as used in the original SYNTHdetect device. This means that if a stone in a piece of jewellery does not display the attributes of a natural diamond, it is highlighted immediately and with a high degree of accuracy, with the lowest referral rate of any device in the industry.”

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