India’s leading jewellery retailer, Tanishq, from Tata Group, launched its largest ever range of earrings called ‘Stunning Every Ear’. This assortment, available across 360+ Tanishq stores in India, consists of more than 2,000 pairs of earrings in 16 forms and across 29 categories to choose from. The range is crafted in gold, diamonds and platinum including designs for daily wear, office wear, festive wear and wedding wear. The collection ranges from classic gold and diamond studs to intricate designs in gold or kundan, traditional jhumkas while embracing the boldness of modernity with a touch of tradition.
Ranjani Krishnaswamy, GM, Marketing, Tanishq, Titan Company Ltd., said, “The new and exciting range of earrings is designed keeping in mind the quintessential women of today who believe jewellery is an extension of their personality. Through this new launch, we are offering the widest line-up ever of earrings under one roof.”
Speaking on the occasion, celebrity Mira Kapoor, the wife of Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, said, “I have always loved the delicate and up to date designs Tanishq launches. The brand has played a vital role in some of the most important occasions of my life. I am delighted and excited to be a part of the launch of the ‘StunningEveryEar’ collection at Tanishq. The collection is unique and diversified, much like every Indian woman.”