Bahrain Bourse signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) on 3rd December, 2020, to explore areas of mutual interest and joint cooperation between the two exchanges, and to develop channels of communication and foster the relationship between Bahrain Bourse and IDE.
The MoU was signed by Shaikh Khalifa bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa, Chief Executive Officer of Bahrain Bourse and Yoram Dvash, President of IDE.
On this occasion, Shaikh Al-Khalifa commented: “We are pleased to have signed an MoU with IDE, one of the major diamond exchanges in the world. We are looking forward to establishing a fruitful relationship with IDE by exchanging knowledge and expertise in the area of commodity-based assets trading. We hope that this MoU will help us explore joint initiatives that will create efficient commercial opportunities between the Kingdom of Bahrain and State of Israel.”
Yoram Dvash, “The Memorandum of Understanding marks the beginning of the journey that the Israel Diamond Exchange and the Bahrain Bourse are embarking on together. I am sure that this MoU will lead to economic opportunities for both sides. Most important, we hope that it will allow us to build a relationship of trust and mutual respect.”
Caption: (From left, standing) Minister Alzayani, Mayor Shama Hacohen, (seated) Yoram Dvash, Sheikh Al-Khalifa. Photo courtesy Bahrain Bourse