Virtual Diamond Boutique Launches Jewelers Board of Trade’s Inaugural API

Virtual Diamond Boutique (VDB), a technology partner and virtual marketplace, announced a unique new partnership with the Jewelers Board of Trade® (JBT), an industry resource for jewellery business and credit data.

VDB is the first to launch JBT’s Application Program Interface (API), making credit information instantly available on the digital marketplace for both buyers and sellers. The new API integration into the VDB app gives JBT members access to credit information on the go, in the palm of their hand, 24×7. “Having the highly respected JBT credit ratings available on the VDB app will add a layer of security and credibility to our digital marketplace,” said Tanya Nisguretsky, CEO of VDB. “Our industry-specific technological experts have created a unique usage for the new JBT API that aligns perfectly with the need for more transparency in our increasingly digital world. It also streamlines the process, making it easy and efficient for vendors to accept buy/memo/hold requests, even when out of the office.”

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