Gold Gallups up the US long-term investment charts

The latest Gallup Poll Social Series monitoring public opinion on economy and finance shows that gold jumped into second place as ‘best long-term investment’ in the US this year.

And here’s the kicker: while higher rates seem to have dampened investors’ perception of real estate as the best long-term investment (its share of the vote plunged from 45% to 34%), they haven’t damaged perceptions of gold. On the contrary, the number of Americans naming gold as the best long-term investment almost doubled this year from last. This, despite interest rates climbing to a 16-year high in March.

Over one quarter of US adults plumped for gold as their top choice in Gallup’s April poll, the highest for 11 years. This nicely echoes our data on US bar and coin investment: in our latest issue of Gold Demand Trends we reported that US investors bought 36 tonnes of gold bars and coins in Q1 this year, up sharply on the previous quarter.

One quarter of Americans view gold as the best long-term investment*


This article is republished with permission from The World Gold Council.​


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