The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History is about to unveil a dazzling addition to its gem collection: the Winston Red Diamond, a 2.33-carat fancy red diamond, considered one of the world’s finest. The diamond, along with the Winston Fancy Color Diamond Collection, will be unveiled to the public on 1st April.
This extraordinary gift comes from Ronald Winston, son of the renowned jeweller and gem collector Harry Winston, who famously donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian in 1958. The new acquisitions will be showcased in the museum’s Winston Gallery.
“This ranks among the most significant gifts ever received by the Smithsonian,” said Kirk Johnson, the Sant Director of the National Museum of Natural History. “The Winston diamonds are unprecedented in their beauty and rarity.”
Natural red diamonds are exceptionally rare, with the Winston Red Diamond being a prime example. Less than one in 25 million diamonds achieves the “Fancy red” colour grade, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Ronald Winston described the red diamond as the highlight of his career, stating, “I have never seen anything else like it.”
The diamond’s vibrant crimson hue is a result of intense pressure and temperature deep within the Earth. Its old mine brilliant cut, a style used before the mid-20th century, suggests it was fashioned prior to that era.
The Winston Red Diamond will be displayed alongside 40 other gems from the Winston Fancy Color Diamond Collection, arranged in a vibrant rainbow showcasing the full spectrum of diamond colours. This collection represents 60 years of acquisitions by Ronald Winston.
A study on the science and history of the Winston Red Diamond will be published in the spring 2025 issue of Gems & Gemology, the GIA’s professional journal. Mineralogist Gabriela Farfan noted the collection’s incredible range of colours, offering visitors a unique opportunity to appreciate the diversity of diamonds. The new display, alongside the Hope Diamond, will celebrate the Winston family’s legacy and the brilliance of these exceptional gems.