Lucapa To Divest 70% Stake In Mothae Diamond Mine

Australia-based diamond miner Lucapa Diamond Company Ltd. is considering all options for the divestment of its 70% stake in the Mothae diamond mine in Lesotho following a recent review of its asset portfolio. The board is considering all options for the divestment and the company is finalising a data room for interested parties.

Mothae is an open cast mine located in the diamond-rich Maluti Mountains of the Kingdom of Lesotho which began commercial operations in 2019 and is known to produce large, high-value diamonds which command the second highest dollar per carat for kimberlite diamonds worldwide.

The company said it would prioritise the divestment process and update the market in the coming weeks.

Lucapa Chairman Stuart Brown said, “On review, it is clear the company should streamline the portfolio to focus on our core assets in Africa and Australia. The company’s collaboration with the Lesotho Government on the Mothae diamond mine has been rewarding and our management have worked exceptionally well to optimise the plant to recover large diamonds. We expect there will be significant interest from those within the diamond industry and on a wider scale.”

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