Report: Diamonds Could Draw Consumer Spend From Travel

Credit: © De Beers

De Beers Group’s third Diamond Insight Flash Report includes a focus on US consumer discretionary spend, including the potential for diamonds to capture luxury market share in light of the current reduction in travel spending, which has been the key competitor to diamond jewellery in recent years, particularly for the Millennial share of wallet.

The latest round of research, conducted among 500 Americans aged 18 and above, found that 44% of consumers had more disposable cash due to the cancellation of travel, dining or other experiences during the year. When it came to travel specifically, more than two-thirds of Americans had cancelled travel plans for 2020 and of those, 55% found themselves with extra money as a result. In the absence of travel, one in eight consumers said they would instead choose diamonds to mark a special occasion.

The De Beers Group started this research in March, and while consumer confidence was relatively fragile compared with previous research waves – due to the increased spread of the virus and uncertainty regarding the upcoming presidential election – the latest research found that 46% of consumers had an optimistic outlook on life overall for the next three months and more than 60% said the pandemic had not affected their personal finances. In addition, 46% said their jewellery spending was back to normal, with a further 25% expecting it would normalise in the next six months.

Bruce Cleaver, CEO, De Beers Group, said: “As some consumers find themselves with additional discretionary income as a result of spend in other areas such as travel being cancelled, there is potential they will allocate this to alternative purchases, creating something of a unique opportunity for diamonds. As a product that can be both experiential and meaningful, diamonds fill the temporary void left by travel in the way few other luxury products can.”

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