E-Meeting Addresses ICEGATE Implementation Challenges

GJEPC held an open house on 24th September to address systemic issues faced by exporters following the implementation of the Indian Customs Electronic Gateway (ICEGATE).

The session was led by Mr. Anuj Gogia, Principal ADG, ICEGATE, and Mr. Alok Gupta, Principal ADG. Participants, including representatives from Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Domestic Tariff Areas (DTAs), raised various concerns related to the new system.

Mr. Anil Sankhwal, Convener of the Studded Jewellery Panel, highlighted a significant issue where manual shipping bills were not reflected in the Export Data Processing and Monitoring System (EDPMS). Speakers raised concerns specific to SEZ units and also pointed out problems such as the non-generation of Rebate under the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) scrolls and the non-reflection of bank AD codes.

The key speakers attentively listened to the concerns and provided detailed responses. The systems officials assured the attendees that these matters would be thoroughly examined and committed to organising a follow-up physical meeting at SEEPZ, Mumbai for further discussions with member exporters.

Over 85 participants attended this interactive session, leading to a constructive dialogue between the GJEPC and senior system officials.

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