HRD Antwerp To Set Up Diamond Grading Lab In Moscow

In the context of the KP Intersessional that took place in mid-June, which brought the diamond world to Antwerp, the Russian ministry of finance, represented by the deputy minister of finance Aleksey Vladimirovich Moiseev, signed a memorandum of understanding with HRD Antwerp for the establishment of an HRD Antwerp diamond grading lab in Moscow.

Ari Epstein, president of the board of directors of HRD Antwerp, emphasised the importance of Russia as the world’s largest producer of rough diamonds, and as an industry leader when it comes to transparency in the value chain. “This collaboration will further enhance confidence in the diamond and jewellery market in Russia and worldwide,” said Epstein. The signing of the agreement took place in the presence of Ludo Van Campenhout, Antwerp Alderman for Diamonds.

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